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Hospital Room


Hypothetical hospital open  to complimentary healing


Troy, NY




Problem Definition,

Human Centered Design,

User Experience Design, Prototyping

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For my senior design project,  I chose to work on a passion project; the problem of the negative patient experience common at hospitals. I narrowed this problem down further to address the experience in the patient's room. The modern day hospital is cold in aesthetics, very specialized in pharmaceuticals, and not so patient friendly.  Taking a human-centered design approach, I conducted interviews, prototyped solutions, held user testing, did lots of research, carried out surveys, and received feedback from my peers. All of this resulted in the design of a new inpatient room using the principles of biophilic design. This design is not only aesthetically pleasing for the patient, but the design inherently helps the patient to heal more quickly (based on a study done comparing the use of biophilic design verses without it).


For this project, I used an iterative design process called the GADIE process. GADIE stands for goals, analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation. This process is very vague and flexible, allowing me to customize it how I see fit, while still acting as a guideline. Although this website is presented linearly, each milestone I talk about (i.e. choosing a project focus, user research, prototyping, etc.) fits into the GADIE process. As you'll notice, sometimes I follow the GADIE order, and sometimes I skip steps, or go back a couple steps. 


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An in-class exercise to find a focus made me think about myself, my passions, skills I have or want to develop, and what I think the world needs right now. After writing all of this down I chose an topic I wanted to pursue; sustainability and the medical system. I thought about how the local community interacts with sustainability and the medical system.  I came up with ideas for problems to explore on campus, in Troy (where I went to school), and on a global scale. I got a chance to talk to my class and professor about my ideas and in return I got feedback, connections, and resources to check out.

Choosing a focus
Solar Panel


Identifying Potential Stakeholders

The next step was to identify stakeholders in the community and larger systems related to the topic of sustainability and the medical system,  Some stakeholders in the community I identified included doctors, nurses, and patients. I thought about other organizations that may have an interest in the intersection of sustainability and the medical field. I thought of the Living Building Challenge, Architects, a masters program offered through my college, called Built Ecologies, as well as insurance companies, and the medical system in the US. 




Throughout my four years as a design student, I drove home once a month to go to my local hospital for medical treatment. During my time in the hospital, I noticed that the only thing I liked about the hospital, was the people. A hospital is supposed to be a place you go to get better, however, not one person I spoke to liked going there. This made no sense to me; why would you not like going someplace that's purpose is to make you feel better? I realize this is a loaded question with many different answers, so I looked a little closer.


Through observing the nurses every month, I noticed how they always tried to decorate and make the room feel more comfortable. They tended to complain about the color of the wall or the print on the curtains. Most of all they complained about how little room the caregivers of the patient had. Not only did that make a bad experience for the guests, but for the nurses, as well, since they had to squeeze into tight spaces to get near the patient. The lack of privacy also bothered them since this particular room was laid out so the patients faced one another.

background info

Online Research

After deciding to pursue a project I am passionate about, I went to the internet to see just how big this problem was. I found people all over the world were trying to come up with solutions. A handful of hospitals have been implementing different methods to improve the patient experience. Some methods included using technology to engage with patients, others included creating more privacy and comfort for the patient, and some focused on implementing complementary forms of medicine, like acupuncture. 


I also looked to other industries that are focused on user experience in a space, like hotels and spas. I honed in on aspects that would be beneficial to patients, like creating a relaxing atmosphere through various design techniques. A prominent technique that I saw over and over again throughout my research in the highest rated spas and hotels was biophilic design.

The video above shows the interactive media wall that researchers at UCONN created for Boston Children's Hospital with the goal of creating a more positive experience for patients and their families.

interactive tech

What is Biophilic Design?

Before we go any further it's important to know what biophilic design is. There are tons of studies on the health benefits of spending time in nature, however, now humans are spending most of their time indoors and are not getting these benefits. In fact, being indoors may even be negatively impacting people. Biophilic design aims to fix that.


This design theory is based on the idea that humans have an innate love of nature because we have been intertwined with nature for most of our species' existence. It has served as our home and place of refuge for hundreds of thousands of years (for the modern human). Biophilic design uses patterns found in nature and brings them indoors to give humans some of the health benefits nature provides, including decreasing stress.​

amazon spheres

Scroll through the pictures to see the different ways Amazon implemented biophilic design to increase work productivity, efficiency, creativity and overall well-being of the workers in their Seattle HQ. All photographs are by Alex Garland.