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Biophilic AI Assistant

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30 Day UX Challenge


30 days​





UX/UI Design, UX Research, Product Design


This project was for the 30 Day UX Challenge spearheaded by Tony Maura on LinkedIn. The challenge: Create a Smart Home AI Assistant in 30 days.

The Process

The process for this project was dictated by the 30 Day UX/UI Challenge. Each week is a different stage of the process with deliverables due each week.










The first week of this challenge was all about navigating ambiguity. With a very vague prompt, I had to determine my won direction. I explored the world of AI assistants, challenges that come with them, problems, they can solve and ended the week with a concept to move forward with.


Initial Mind Map​

With such a vague challenge, I had to find some sort of direction. To do that, I started with a mind map so I could visually see all my ideas in front of me.

1. Initial Mind Map.jpg
2. Exploring the Problem Space.jpg

Exploring the Problem Space

Without being given a specific problem to solve, I started brainstorming where a smart home AI assistant could be used and what problems or barriers currently exist with them.


Now that I have a better idea of the landscape, it's time to come up with some ideas for a direction to explore.


I start with thinking of who a potential target audience could be, keeping in mind the purpose of a smart home AI assistant: to provide convenience, comfort, and increased productivity. Of all the audiences I thought of, I chose to continue on with families.


Next I brainstormed how an AI assistant could be incorporated into a family's daily routine and tasks the ecosystem could handle.

3. Brainstorming.jpg


To better understand how an AI assistant could better fit into the lives of everyday families, I created a storyboard breaking down the day of the parents, children, how the AI could interact with them, and what devices the AI will connect to.

4. Storyboard I.jpg
5. Storyboard II.jpg
6. Storyboard III.jpg

Concept Summary

Towards the end of the first week, I summarized my thought through a concept. The concept I'll be moving forward with is a smart assistant that prioritizes family time and sustainability and is integrated through home and portable smart devices.


The value of this smart home assistant is to take out any work and barriers that prevents families from making more sustainable decisions. Key features include coordinating carpooling, managing energy consumption, meal prep, food waste reduction, and incorporating biophilic design benefits into the home.

7. Concept Summary I.jpg
8. Concept Summary II.jpg

Concept Sketches

To finish the week off, I sketched out my thoughts for the AI smart home assistant in the form of an app. This first iteration has 5 screens: Home, Family, Eco, Devices, and Account/Settings.

9. Concept Sketch I.jpg
10. Concept Sketch II.jpg



Week two consisted of learning and information gathering.

  • I broke down the research prompt

  • Created a survey and then analyzed results and trends

  • Researched the existing smart home ecosystems and AI Assistants and summarized my findings

  • Researched the best practices in regards to privacy, data use, and accessibility

  • Raised questions at each phase of research

  • Learned I don’t have time to do everything so instead of going super in depth with everything, I had to learn when to say time to move on to get a grasp of the bigger picture… that was hard for me but necessary

Research Goals and Plan

My first task of week 2 was to set out a plan. What do I need to learn in order to successfully design something useful?


My goal was to understand the preferences, habits, and technological behaviors of the target audience in a smart home setting. I needed insights on tasks and interactions the use would want their personal AI assistant to handle. Researching existing smart home ecosystems and AI-powered personal assistants was paramount to understanding where they succeed and where they fall short.


The challenge put a special emphasis on ethically designing our assistants. To do that, I planned to research privacy, data security, and device control in the smart home environment.


Deliverables for this week would include

  • conducting user research with real people (surveys and interviews)

  • analyzing existing home ecosystems and AI assistant

  • researching best practices for designing integrated AI-powered smart home solutions prioritizing ethical use of data

2. Research Prompt Break Down.jpg


I sent out surveys to users in my target audience and received 10 replies. Below is a list of key findings with my thoughts in italics.

  • Privacy is a main and prevalent concern of participants for smart home devices in every aspect they were questioned about, although 90% of participants currently use smart devices.


  • The most popular room to have a smart device is the living room with least popular the bathroom.


  • Participants like the ease and convenience of smart home devices.


  • Participants felt smart home devices are good at simplifying tasks.


  • Participants wish smart devices did more of their chores and gave them more privacy


  • While 80% of participants strongly agree their family’s health is their priority, only 30% strongly agree they take an active role in helping their family maintain or improve their health. -> can a smart device help fill this gap?


  • When asked what users would want a health promoting smart device to do, healthy meal recommendations and exercise were the most prevalent answers -> surprised it wasn’t more health data, are they experiencing data overload?


  • Collecting health data was the most popular concern raised about a smart device focused on health -> can we improve health without collecting data?


  • Participants were more likely to hop on board with a smart device that saves money on utilities rather than one focused on sustainability -> a smart device focused on sustainability does decrease money spent on utilities? Need to make sure marketing and language match up with user values.


  • Sustainable smart device became more appealing when no work was needed from the user -> hypothesis that users think sustainability = more work

Landscape Analysis​​

To understand what is currently available to users, I analyzed the smart home and AI assistant landscape. I analyzed the top 4 in this category (at the time of the project), which include Alexa, Google Home/Assistant, Apple Home, and Samsung Smart Things.


I analyzed each competitor in regards to the following categories:

  • overall purpose

  • strengths

  • weaknesses

  • opportunity for enhancements

  • privacy

  • data usage

  • security

  • notable features

  • connectivity

  • accessibility

Best Practices​​

After researching all about the ethical considerations of this type of technology, I compiled my findings into a best practices list. This included best practices when it comes to privacy, ethical use of data, and designing for all abilities.


After researching, I was still left with questions. It was time to move onto the next phase but I wanted to make note of things I didn't have answers to. This would come in handy when designing my smart assistant for the next week.

7. Questions Raised by Research.jpg



This week I translated my concept sketches into a prototype.

  • Created a high fidelity prototype on Figma

  • Learned that having an MVP is better than only one very detailed aspect of the app

Home Screen

The prototype of the home screen balances what users liked from existing smart homes and what they needed.


Keeping families (our target audience) in mind, the home screen opens with a schedule for the day, followed by a to-do list. 


The next section is a customizable grid called "My Stuff." Here, users can choose what is important to them to show. Examples include smart lights, energy usage, contacts, and device controls.


Finally, the bottom of the home screen features a search bar so users can easily find what they need.

2. Home Screen.png
3. Devices.png


The second main navigation page is Devices. This is where users can add and manage devices connected to their AI smart assistant.


Users can also create routines, or automated actions, to simplify their lives. The smart assistant will also recommend routines based on the user's values.


The Eco page is where users can manage their sustainability. It also allow users tot visibility see the impact their having. It was important to visually show the correlation between money savings and sustainable actions.


This page also suggests biophilic design features. For example, on this page, the assistant suggests to allow it to change the temperature based on the time of day. This helps mimic nature and promote the body's natural systems, like circadian rhythm.

5. Health.png


A value that was important to our target audience was health. To make it easier to maintain and adopt healthy habits, the AI assistant plans out meals, keeps track of your body and environmental health metrics, and suggests science-based actions to take.


Families have a lot to juggle with multiple schedules.​ This page of the assistant app helps with that. By displaying a color-coded calendar, you can easily see each family member's schedule at a glance.


The activities section suggests things to do in your area based on the interests of your family.


The final section is the people in your family. Here you can easily contact them or see their location.

6. Social.png



In the fourth week of this challenge, I created a pitch for my prototype. The pitch explain the value of Terra, the AI smart home assistant I designed. It also defends my design choices and shows some alternate interaction methods (besides through the app).

Challenges and Results

The biggest challenge during this four week design, was to have to move on without having things "perfect" or completely figured out. I learned how necessary it was to continue to move forward. It was more important to get something finished than have it perfect. In doing so I was able to gather more feedback and insights more quickly, leading me to believe that the next iteration would go more quickly and provide more value.


Overall, I was able to bring a prototype to life in under 4 weeks. I was able to use this project to combine my passions, and learn more about AI and best practices every designer should have on their radar.

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