It Fits Us: Logo and App
Work in Progress
It Fits Us
UX/UI Design, UX Research, Branding, Logo Design
It Fits Us is a start-up company focusing on trying to reduce textile waste by connecting shoppers with real people who are their size and serve as models. This reduces the amount of returns for online purchases and reduces the number of clothes thrown out because they were returned. I designed a logo for them and am currently utilizing user centered design to create their app.
The Problem
How might we simultaneously decrease online return rates to decrease the environmental impact of the fashion industry?
Online clothing return rates are more than 4x higher than return rates for in-store purchases. Clothing that has been returned has a significantly lower chance of being resold and has a higher chance of ending up in a landfill.
The Solution
A Mobile Application
This application allows users to get a better sense of how clothing will fit their specific body before they purchase it. Users can sign up to be models and post pictures of them wearing clothing that fits them. The app has their measurements and will match the models with the users that sign up as shoppers. Models have the opportunity to earn a commission when a shopper purchases clothing through their posts. Shoppers can opt to follow models that have similar styles to them and can favorite posts they like to save for later.​

My Role and
I am the sole UX/UI designer at It Fits Us. When I came on board there was already a defined problem with a general solution. My task was to take the solution of an app matching models to shoppers and make it a user-friendly and pleasant experience and to create a clickable prototype to help get the company funding. How I did that:
I was given an initial wireframe and iterated off of that to create my own wireframes followed by a low-fi clickable prototype in Figma.
This is to be used for user testing regarding the general function of the app.
I designed a high-fidelity prototype also in Figma. I have created three flows or stages of the app. First is the onboarding stage where users can sign up for the app and choose to be a shopper or a model. From there the app diverges into the shopper interface and the model interface.
I am also in charge of creating the logo and branding for the company.
The Logo

Low Fidelity
After sketching out wireframes, I created a low-fidelity prototype of the app on Figma. The purpose of this prototype is to gather user testing information in regards to the general function of the app. The prototype is broken up into 3 sections: Onboarding, Models, and Shoppers.
Below you can see the low-fi prototype for the onboarding flow. After putting in their personal information, users can choose to either input their measurements or enter their body type along with their sizes. This information allows the app to match shoppers and models. The choice to allow two different methods stems from trying to make the users more comfortable with information that can be uncomfortable to enter or even to think about. For a lot of people taking their measurements is not an option to safe-guard their mental health, so we waned to make sure there was an alternative option. The body types are purposefully not labeled to avoid putting women's bodies into a box.

As I mentioned earlier, the app has two sets of users. The model user interface will have all the features of the shoppers plus more. This includes posting pictures and data about their posts and commission. Below is the low-fi prototype for the model user interface.
Model Onboarding
The model onboarding process picks up from the general onboarding process. Models can choose whether to make money for themselves or for charity. After filling out the respective information for each choice, models can define their styles through tags and through liking images. Finally a celebratory animation celebrates adding a new model to the It Fits Us family.

Posting a Photo
The flow on the left shows how models can post a photo in the app. They first pick the photos from their camera roll or take new ones in the app, edit the pictures how they see fit, and then tag the clothing items in the images. Finally, they review the post and receive a confirmation that their pictures were posted.
Below is the shopper user interface where users can browse outfits, search specific trends or clothing items, view models, favorite posts and items, and purchase items they like.

High Fidelity Prototype
The image above is a preview of the high fidelity prototype. The screens shown include: Top Row (left to right)- opening screen, prompt to sign up, home screen, and browse. Bottom Row: Favorite posts, view post, view post details, and favorite models.
It Fits Us App
This app is a work in progress. The purpose of the app is to connect shoppers with real people who share the same size and body type so they can preview what clothes might look like on them before purchasing. The video on the right shows the most up to date clickable prototype.

Next Steps
I am currently working on the first high fidelity prototype of the app which is shown above. Next I will help the Founder and CEO conduct user testing, iterating the app design, and I will be designing the website.